The Rose and the Thistle by Laura Frantz Book Review


In 1715, Lady Blythe Hedley’s father is declared an enemy of the British crown because of his Jacobite sympathies, forcing her to flee her home in northern England. Secreted to the tower of Wedderburn Castle in Scotland, Lady Blythe awaits who will ultimately be crowned king. But in a house with seven sons and numerous servants, her presence soon becomes known.

No sooner has Everard Hume lost his father, Lord Wedderburn, than Lady Hedley arrives with the clothes on her back and her mistress in tow. He has his own problems–a volatile brother with dangerous political leanings, an estate to manage, and a very young brother in need of comfort and direction in the wake of losing his father. It would be best for everyone if he could send this misfit heiress on her way as soon as possible.

Drawn into a whirlwind of intrigue, shifting alliances, and ambitions, Lady Blythe must be careful whom she trusts. Her fortune, her future, and her very life are at stake. Those who appear to be adversaries may turn out to be allies–and those who pretend friendship may be enemies.

My Review

Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5 stars

I really enjoyed this historical story that included a slow-burn romance between a bookish heroine and a brooding hero, inspiring faith, intriguing history, and a Scottish castle. It was wonderful combination!🥰

This book is slower-paced and took me a while to get into but once I was invested in the story, I enjoyed it! The main characters, Blythe and Everard, were great. The were both strong in their own ways. I also really liked that Blythe was a bit different than the typical heroines I see so often because she was tall for a woman and not described as a perfect beauty but beautiful in her own way. I also liked her name!

I loved the banter between Blythe and Everard and watching their relationship grow. Their romance was really sweet!❤️

I also loved Orin and enjoyed the family dynamics among the brothers!

I loved that this book was set in Scotland, especially a Scottish castle! I also loved the faith interwoven into this story. The history was intriguing and about topics I haven’t read much about. The writing was wonderful and I liked that the chapters were fairly short.

In conclusion, I enjoyed this story! While there were a few moments that felt a little slow for me, mostly the beginning, there was much to love about this story! Laura Frantz is a wonderful writer and I am so looking forward to reading more of her books!🥰

*Thank you to the publisher for a complimentary copy to review! All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

A Heart Adrift by Laura Frantz Book Review

I recently finished this lovely new book by Laura Frantz and I’m here to share my review for it!


A Virginia chocolatier and a privateering sea captain collide once more after a failed love affair a decade before. Will a war and a cache of regrets keep them apart? Or will a new shared vision reunite them?

It is 1755, and the threat of war with France looms over colonial York, Virginia. Chocolatier Esmée Shaw is fighting her own battle of the heart. Having reached her twenty-eighth birthday, she is reconciled to life alone after a decade-old failed love affair from which she’s never quite recovered. But she longs to find something worthwhile to do with her life.

Captain Henri Lennox has returned to port after a lengthy absence, intent on completing the lighthouse in the dangerous Chesapeake Bay, a dream he once shared with Esmée. But when the colonial government asks him to lead a secret naval expedition against the French, his future is plunged into uncertainty.

Will a war and a cache of regrets keep them apart, or can their shared vision and dedication to the colonial cause heal the wounds of the past? Bestselling and award-winning author Laura Frantz whisks you away to a time fraught with peril–on the sea and in the heart–in this redemptive, romantic story.

My Review:

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

If you asked me at the moment what my ideal place to live would be, I would say living in a cozy cottage by the sea would be wonderful. And if it has a lighthouse nearby, that would be just perfect. If that sounds lovely to you, I think you’ll enjoy this book.☺️ Also, the cover is just beautiful! 😍

A Heart Adrift’s setting was the highlight of the novel for me. It was so atmospheric. Oh, and this book calls for chocolate! Be sure to have some hot chocolate and your favorite chocolate on hand. 😉

I enjoyed the historical time-period as well. I haven’t read many books set during the 1700s so I enjoyed it quite a lot!

As for the characters, Esmée and Henri were wonderful! Their love story was sweet and wholesome. I enjoyed reading their story of long lost love and reuniting at last. 🥰

The writing was beautiful! I loved how prayer and God’s word played such an integral part in the book. It was truly inspiring to me how these characters turned to God in times of worry and doubt as well as joy and thankfulness. The faith was woven beautifully into this story!

So in conclusion, this was a beautiful story that I enjoyed very much! It was my first book to read by Laura Frantz and I was not at all disappointed!

If you love historical fiction set during the 1750s, this one is wonderful. If you enjoy books with long-lost lovers who reunite, this one was sweet. And if you like books set by the seaside nearby lighthouses, this one is perfect! Oh, and if you’re a chocolate lover… this one has a chocolatier shop in it. ☺️

Now I’ll be daydreaming about living in a seaside cottage and be a lighthouse keeper.☺️ Sounds pretty great to me!

*Thank you to the publisher for providing me with a copy of the book to review. All opinions are my own.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope you have a beautiful New Years!
