Fortress of Snow by Melanie Dickerson Book Review

Hey, friends! Today I’m reviewing Melanie Dickerson’s latest YA fairytale retelling, Fortress of Snow. It’s the fourth book in A Dericott Tale series.


Mazy dreams of independence. Sir Berenger longs to play the hero. But in each other, they may find the secret to happily ever after.

Mazelina of Wexcombe has always dreamed of traveling with her father to lands beyond the confining walls of their castle. But his sudden death deprives her of the future she imagined. Abandoned by her eldest brother, Mazy is soon forced to seek help from her beloved brother Sir John at the great estate of Strachleigh.

Her visit leads to a friendship with the dashing and noble Sir Berenger of Dericott. He has notions of rescuing a damsel in distress. But Mazy is brave enough to defend herself—and has proven that her skills in archery and knife throwing rival that of a knight’s. So when he is called away to Prussian lands, Sir Berenger looks to distinguish himself in battle.

When Sir Berenger returns, he and Mazy meet again on the streets of London, where she is making a living selling goods in the market. Meanwhile, he has been summoned by the king to receive a reward for his service. But the recognition comes with a price: He must marry a wealthy, titled widow to please the king. But when Mazy begins to suspect treachery, she embarks on a journey to the fortress of snow to warn the brave knight—and secure her own fairy-tale ending.

In this fourth novel set in the Dericott universe, Melanie Dickerson weaves an exciting reimagining of the Snow Queen tale.

My Review

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 3.5 stars

This was a really sweet love story! My favorite love stories are when the two characters are friends before they fall in love and this one had that trope which I loved! The fairytale elements of this story were very subtle and I barely noticed them but I really just enjoyed this story as a sweet, clean historical romance. Also I just have to say, the cover is so gorgeous.😍

I really liked both Mazy and Berenger. Mazy was a kind, strong, and independent girl and I really liked her character. I really felt sorry for her. Her brothers were terrible! But she handled it well and I admired her for that.

Berenger was such a sweet guy! I immediately liked him. I don’t remember much about him from the other books so I enjoyed getting to know him!

I also enjoyed the friendship between Mazy and Ro. Ro was pretty funny and kept things light.

The rest of the story was pretty interesting! I liked that everything happened fairly quickly. Like I said, I didn’t really feel the fairytale vibe except for there is a nasty villain and the parts when the hero saves the heroine.

I really enjoyed that the heroine got the chance to save the hero too. It was fun twist that I enjoyed seeing. ☺️

The romance was sweet and clean! A few semi-detailed kisses. There’s a scene where a woman is tempting a man but nothing happens besides a kiss. (I didn’t particularly like that scene! Ugh, Lady Bristow was very unlikeable!) There’s a little violence but nothing very gruesome. No language.

I enjoyed the faith content that I’ve come to expect in Melanie Dickerson’s books. I really like that the characters pray often throughout the book!

Overall, this was a fun, quick read and a sweet story. While it wasn’t particularly memorable or unique to me, I still enjoyed it! If you’re looking for a clean YA historical with a sweet love story, a chivalrous knight, a strong heroine, and a nasty villain, this one was good!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Veil of Winter by Melanie Dickerson Book Review

Hi, friends! Today I’m sharing my review for Veil of Winter by Melanie Dickerson. Veil of Winter is a sweet Sleeping Beauty retelling and is the third book in her YA series, The Dericott Tales. Each of these books can be read as stand-alone. 😊


She’s hounded from every side by treacherous elements and foes, but her greatest enemy lies within.

In the mountains near France, the medieval Princess Elyce is being forced to marry, thus forming an alliance that will enrich her father but enslave her kingdom. Instead, she chooses to feign her death and flee to Prague to beg King Wenceslaus to help save her people.

In England, the young knight Sir Gerard has a vision from God instructing him to help Elyce on her quest. When he arrives to find she has been near death for days, he manages to revive her. However, thinking the stranger was trying to kiss her, the princess immediately distrusts him. But her desperate situation forces her to accept his aid.

Pursued by her enemy’s guards over mountainous terrain, they must also battle the deadly winter elements. Her greatest challenge may be to overcome the voices of disapproval and accusation from her childhood. Will her emotions lead her into her true identity, or will they undermine her ability to work with Gerard and to save her people, who desperately need her help?

In this dazzling and romantic story, New York Times bestselling author Melanie Dickerson takes the classic Sleeping Beauty fairy tale to satisfying new heights.

Book Review

My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 3.5 stars

This was a really sweet, historical fairytale retelling of Sleeping Beauty. While the Sleeping Beauty elements were subtle, there is a still a sleeping princess involved. 😉

While I didn’t always connect with Elyce, I did like her in the end and was happy for her. But I loved Gerard! He was such a sweet guy. I love how he saw Elyce in a way no one else did. Instead of shaming her for showing her emotions, he encouraged her to honestly express how she felt.

The faith in this book was so nice! It was inspiring how often the characters prayed for guidance and wisdom in the decisions they made.

Overall, this was a clean, sweet romance with great faith content and a fast-paced plot! While it wasn’t a new favorite, I did enjoy it. If you enjoy historical fiction and fairytales, this was a cute one!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Christian YA Books for Teen Girls to Read During Summer

Photo from Unsplash

Hey, friends! Who else is really excited that it’s finally summer? I know I am! I literally just want to read all of the fun, summer-y YA books right now while sipping iced lemonade outside. 😍 So while I have summer-y books on my mind, I decided to compile a list of a few of the fun YA books I’ve read and loved that would be perfect for summer!

Porch Swing Girl by Taylor Bennett

What if friendship cost you everything?

Stranded in Hawaii after the death of her mother, sixteen-year-old
Olive Galloway is desperate to escape. She has to get back to Boston
before her dad loses all common sense and sells the family house. But
plane tickets cost money—something Olive gravely lacks.

With the help of Brander, the fussy youth group worship leader, and
Jazz, a mysterious girl with a passion for all things Hawaiian, Olive
lands a summer job at the Shave Ice Shack and launches a scheme to buy
a plane ticket home before the end of the summer.

Porch Swing Girl is perfect to read during summer because it’s set in Hawaii! The aesthetic of the Tradewinds series is literally the summer dream. Snow cones, sunsets on the beach, sunshine, and best friends.😍 This one has it’s sad moments but plenty of happy moments too! If you love Christian YA with all the summer vibes, be sure to check this one out!

Love Me Tender by Janice Hanna

As “Love Me Tender” plays in the background, Debbie Carmichael determines to salvage her family’s restaurant, Sweet Sal’s Soda Shoppe, when her father’s health fails. Teen heartthrob Bobby Conrad agrees to perform at a fundraiser concert. But just two weeks before the highly publicized event, Bobby backs out of the benefit. Enter Johnny Hartman, a young, unknown singer to take Conrad’s place. Debbie soon realizes the twists and turns leading up to the concert are divinely orchestrated. And it isn’t dreamy Bobby Conrad who has stolen her heart – but the tender love of Johnny Hartman.

Love Me Tender is perfect if you want a read with a 1950s, California summer aesthetic! I personally love the 1950s so this book was right up my alley. If you enjoy Christian historical fiction with a beach-y setting n the 1950s, this book was so much fun!

Chasing Jupiter by Rachel Coker

Scarlett Blaine’s life in 1960s Georgia isn’t always easy, especially given her parents’ financial struggles and the fights surrounding her sister Juli’s hippie lifestyle. Then there’s her brother, Cliff. While Scarlett loves him more than anything, there’s no denying his unique behavior leaves Cliff misunderstood and left out. So when he wishes for a rocket to Jupiter, Scarlett agrees to make it happen, no matter how crazy the idea might be.

Now this book will probably make you cry but it’s such a good book! It’s perfect for summer. I loved the southern, summer setting so much! I definitely recommend it if you’re looking for a great Christian historical fiction for teens that will make you cry and smile!

Roadside Assistance by Amy Clipston

Emily Curtis is used to dealing with her problems while under the hood of an old Chevy, but when her mom dies, Emily’s world seems shaken beyond repair. Driven from home by hospital bills they can’t pay, Emily and her dad move in with his wealthy sister, who intends to make her niece more feminine—in other words, just like Whitney, Emily’s perfect cousin. But when Emily hears the engine of a 1970 Dodge Challenger, and sees the cute gearhead, Zander, next door, things seem to be looking up. But even working alongside Zander can’t completely fix the hole in Emily’s life. Ever since her mom died, Emily hasn’t been able to pray, and no one—not even Zander—seems to understand. But sometimes the help you need can come from the person you least expect.

While this book isn’t set during summer, Roadside Assistance and the Roadside Assistance trilogy reminds me of summer. It’s one of my favorite YA books! It’s filled with faith and relatable teens.

Summerhill Secrets by Beverly Lewis

Set in Pennsylvania’s Amish country, SummerHill Secrets follows fourteen-year-old Merry Hanson as she navigates the struggles and triumphs of life and faith. Volume One includes the original titles Whispers Down the Lane, Secret in the Willows, Catch a Falling Star,Night of the Fireflies, and A Cry in the Dark.

This is a sweet series if you’re looking for clean, YA summer mysteries! I really enjoyed these books. They were simple and relaxing to read on summer evenings.

The Noble Servant by Melanie Dickerson

She lost everything to the scheme of an evil servant.

But she might just gain what she’s always wanted . . . if she makes it in time.

The impossible was happening. She, Magdalen of Mallin, was to marry the Duke of Wolfberg. Magdalen had dreamed about receiving a proposal ever since she met the duke two years ago. Such a marriage was the only way she could save her people from starvation. But why would a handsome, wealthy duke want to marry her, a poor baron’s daughter? It seemed too good to be true.

On the journey to Wolfberg Castle, Magdalen’s servant forces her to trade places and become her servant, threatening not only Magdalen’s life, but the lives of those she holds dear. Stripped of her identity and title in Wolfberg, where no one knows her, Magdalen is sentenced to tend geese while she watches her former handmaiden gain all Magdalen had ever dreamed of.

When a handsome shepherd befriends her, Magdalen begins to suspect he carries secrets of his own. Together, Magdalen and the shepherd uncover a sinister plot against Wolfberg and the duke. But with no resources, will they be able to find the answers, the hiding places, and the forces they need in time to save both Mallin and Wolfberg?

I feel like The Noble Servant, a Goose Girl retelling, would be a perfect summer read! Not only is the cover all the gorgeous yellow and greens, but the story feels summer-y to me. I loved this book! If you’re looking for a summer-y, historical fairytale retelling, this one is really good!


All of these books are perfect if your looking for clean YA reads for the summertime! I hope you find one you’d like to read.


6 Christian Historical Fiction Books for Teen Girls

I love historical fiction so much. I especially love when it has Christian faith in it! I discovered my love for the genre a few years ago and since have found quite a few amazing ones that I’d recommend to teen girls. I’ve compiled a list of six I recommend all of the time!

Interrupted by Rachel Coker

Can love really heal all things?

If Sam Carroll hadn’t shown up, she might have been able to get to her mother in time. Instead, Allie Everly finds herself at a funeral, mourning the loss of her beloved mother. She is dealt another blow when, a few hours later, she is sent from Tennessee to Maine to become the daughter of Miss Beatrice Lovell, a prim woman with a faith Allie cannot accept.

Poetry and letters written to her mother become the only things keeping Allie’s heart from hardening completely. But then Sam arrives for the summer, and with him comes many confusing emotions, both toward him and the people around her. As World War II looms, Allie will be forced to decide whether hanging on to the past is worth losing her chance to be loved. 

This was one of my favorite books of the year a few years ago. It was such a great YA read! I’ve not read many YA historical books, but this one was so good. It’s clean, has a sweet love story, and has a great faith message. It’s set around the 1940s which I loved! I highly recommend it!

Chasing Jupiter by Rachel Coker

Scarlett Blaine’s life in 1960s Georgia isn’t always easy, especially given her parents’ financial struggles and the fights surrounding her sister Juli’s hippie lifestyle. Then there’s her brother, Cliff. While Scarlett loves him more than anything, there’s no denying his unique behavior leaves Cliff misunderstood and left out. So when he wishes for a rocket to Jupiter, Scarlett agrees to make it happen, no matter how crazy the idea might be. Raising the rocket money means baking pies, and the farmer’s son, Frank, agrees to provide the peaches if Scarlett will help him talk to Juli. The problem is, Scarlett really enjoys her time with Frank, and finds herself wondering if, someday, they could be more than friends. Just as she thinks everything might be going her way, Cliff suffers an accident that not only affects the rocket plans, but shakes Scarlett’s view of God. As the summer comes to an end, Scarlett must find a way to regain what she’s lost, but also fulfill a promise to launch her brother’s dream.

This is one of my favorite summery reads. It’s a YA historical set during a summer in the 1960s in Georgia. I loved the setting, the characters, and the story. It was a bit bittersweet and sad at times, but there’s also some lighthearted moments too. I highly recommend!

Love Me Tender by Janice Hanna Thompson

As “Love Me Tender” plays in the background, Debbie Carmichael determines to salvage her family’s restaurant, Sweet Sal’s Soda Shoppe, when her father’s health fails. Teen heartthrob Bobby Conrad agrees to perform at a fundraiser concert. But just two weeks before the highly publicized event, Bobby backs out of the benefit. Enter Johnny Hartman, a young, unknown singer to take Conrad’s place. Debbie soon realizes the twists and turns leading up to the concert are divinely orchestrated. And it isn’t dreamy Bobby Conrad who has stolen her heart – but the tender love of Johnny Hartman.

This has to be one of the most fun YA books I’ve ever read. The 1950s is one of my favorite time-periods so I absolutely loved this! It’s set in California at a diner during summer. It would make such a fun summer read as there’s lot’s of trips to the beach and lots of sunshine! The love story is sweet and so clean. There’s faith in here too! I loved it and recommend, especially if you love the 50s vibes!

The Captive Maiden by Melanie Dickerson

Happily Ever After…Or Happily Nevermore?

Gisela’s childhood was filled with laughter and visits from nobles such as the duke and his young son. But since her father’s death, each day has been filled with nothing but servitude to her stepmother. So when Gisela learns the duke’s son, Valten – the boy she has daydreamed about for years – is throwing a ball in hopes of finding a wife, she vows to find a way to attend, even if it’s only for a taste of a life she’ll never have.

To her surprise, she catches Valten’s eye. Though he is rough around the edges, Gisela finds Valten has completely captured her heart. But other forces are bent on keeping the two from falling further in love, putting Gisela in more danger than she ever imagined.

The Captive Maiden is part of the Hagenheim series, a YA fairytale retelling series set in Medieval Germany. It is such an amazing series of Christian fairytale retellings! They’re all so good, but this Cinderella retelling is especially sweet!

The Hope of Azure Springs by Rachel Fordham

Seven years ago, orphaned and alone, Em finally arrived at a new home in Iowa after riding the orphan train. But secrets from her past haunt her, and her new life in the Western wilderness is a rough one. When her guardian is shot and killed, Em, now nineteen, finally has the chance to search for her long-lost sister, but she won’t be able to do it alone.

For Azure Springs Sheriff Caleb Reynolds, securing justice for the waifish and injured Em is just part of his job. He’s determined to solve every case put before him in order to impress his parents and make a name for himself. Caleb expects to succeed. What he doesn’t expect is the hold this strange young woman will have on his heart.

Debut author Rachel Fordham invites historical romance readers to the charming town of Azure Springs, Iowa, where the people care deeply for one another and, sometimes, even fall in love.

The Hope of Azure Springs is one of my favorite books ever. Rachel’s books are always wholesome and filled with hope. I can’t recommend her books enough! This one is beautiful. You will probably shed a few tears during the journey but you will definitely leave it with a smile. It’s set in a small town in Iowa where everybody knows everybody which I loved. It reminds me a bit of Little House on the Prairie and When Calls the Heart. If you love stories like that, you will love this book!

When Calls the Heart by Janette Oke

Elizabeth Thatcher is young, pretty, cultured, and educated. But when she journeys west to teach school in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies, she’s completely unprepared for the conditions she encounters. Still, she’s determined to succeed at the formidable task of fitting in with the locals and shaping the hearts and minds of the schoolchildren in her care.

When Calls the Heart is a sweet love story that gives me Little House vibes. It’s sweet and clean! I’ve loved every Janette Oke book I’ve read and highly recommend them to teen girls!

Finding Lady Enderly by Joanna Davidson Politano

Raina Bretton is a rag woman in London’s east end when a handsome stranger appears in a dank alley and offers her a glittering smile and a chance for adventure. Rothburne Abbey has a unique position for her, one that will take her away from her hardscrabble life and give her a chance to be a lady. Things she could only dream of might be coming true. But some dreams turn out to be nightmares.

Though Raina has traded squalor for silk and satin, something about the abbey is deeply unsettling. As she wrestles with her true identity, the ruin, decay, and secrets she finds at the heart of the old mansion tear at her confidence and threaten to reveal her for who she really is. Only one man stands between her and the danger that lurks within–and only if he decides to keep her biggest secret hidden.

Finding Lady Enderly is another one of my favorite books and Joanna Davidson Politano is one of my top favorite authors. She never fails to bring a story that touches me in the best ways. Finding Lady Enderly is a story that has rags-to-riches vibes, a bit like Cinderella. It has an intriguing mystery, beautiful writing, wonderful characters, inspiring faith, and a sweet love story. Did I mention I love the love story? It’s beautiful. It also has themes of truth and identity which is something I think we can all identify with.


I loved and recommend all of these books every chance I get! I hope you find a book or two to add to your historical fiction TBR.

Thanks for stopping by!
