Beyond Ivy Walls by Rachel Fordham Book Review


Reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast, a recluse and a young woman discover that the scars of life are no match against an act of love.

Iowa, 1903. All of Monticello believes Otis Taylor has been away fostering his musical genius. But the truth is that his father exiled him long ago, rejecting Otis’s appearance and the scars that came with it. Now that he is the last living Taylor, Otis has covertly returned to settle his family’s affairs and rid himself of his past for good. However, he soon discovers that he may not have been the only abandoned Taylor and begins a tireless search for his missing toddler niece.

At twenty-three years old, Sadie West left her family farm and found employment at the Hoag feather duster factory. It isn’t a romantic job, but she’s hardly had a glimmer of romance since her beau went off to college, leaving her with no promise of a future together. Desperate to save money and help her family make ends meet, she trespasses and finds shelter in an abandoned building–and is thrown in the path of the town’s mysterious bachelor.

Otis’s wounds are deep, but as Sadie’s friendship with him grows, she begins to fall for the man beneath the mask. Locating his long-lost niece, however, is more difficult than either could have imagined, and Sadie West may be the key to Otis Taylor finally finding his way home.

My Review

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 stars

I’ve read and loved all of Rachel Fordham’s books. Just like the rest of her books, this one is something special. I loved every minute spent reading this beautiful story. I couldn’t put it down and I felt all of the emotions while reading it.❤️

I absolutely loved the main characters! Sadie and Otis were both such lovable, beautiful characters. Sadie was the sunshine to Otis’s grump and I loved their sweet romance so much. Their banter made me laugh and their love for one another made me tear up. I loved watching their friendship develop into something more and I love that their romance is based on more than mere physical attraction. Oh, and I adored the letters they wrote to each other. It was one of the sweetest romances I’ve ever read. ❤️

This book touched my heart in so many ways and made me feel all the feels. There were lighthearted moments but there were a lot of deep, emotional moments too. I teared up more than once. Otis’s story was an emotional and heartbreaking one but beautiful too. Seeing his character growth throughout the book was beautiful to read. Seeing Sadie see him for more than his scars was also so beautiful.

And the epilogue was perfect.❤️

In conclusion, this book was absolutely beautiful! It’s now one of my favorite books by Rachel (and that’s saying a lot because it’s so hard for me to pick favorites since they’re all so good!)

If you’re looking for a book that’ll touch your heart, make you cry, and then put a smile on your face, I highly recommend you read Beyond Ivy Walls.❤️

This book releases August 13, 2024.

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.

Born of Gilded Mountains by Amanda Dykes Book Review


A lost treasure. A riddled quest. The healing power of friendship.

Legends are tucked into every fold of the Colorado mountains surrounding the quaint town of Mercy Peak, where residents are the stuff of tall tales, the peaks are taller still, and a lost treasure has etched mystery into the very terrain.

In 1948, when outsider Mercy Windsor arrives after a scandal shatters her gilded world as Hollywood’s beloved leading lady, she is determined to forge a new life in obscurity in this time-forgotten Colorado haven. She purchases Wildwood, an abandoned estate with a haunting history, and begins to restore it to its former glory.

But as she does, her every move tugs at the threads of the mountain’s lore, unearthing what became of her long-lost pen pal Rusty Bright, and the whereabouts of the infamous Galloping Goose Railcar No. 8, which vanished years ago–along with the mailbag it carried, whose contents could change the course of countless lives. Not to mention the fabled treasure that–if found–could right so many wrongs.

Among the towering mountains that stand as silent witnesses, the ghosts of the past entangle with the courage of the present to find a place where healing, friendship, and hope can abide amid a world forever changed.

My Review

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 stars

Another beautiful book by Amanda Dykes! It had themes of friendship, family, community, and faith and a cozy mountain setting which made it the perfect book to curl up with in the evenings!

I quickly grew to care about our original main characters, Mercy and Rusty. I love books about friendship, especially pen pals, so I really enjoyed that aspect of the story. I loved reading about this friendship between two girls with completely different personalities who began their friendship by writing letters as young girls. I also enjoyed getting to know the rest of the characters in this tight-knit community in the mountains. Casey was definitely a favorite!

I absolutely love Amanda Dykes’ poetic writing! I teared up more than once because of the beautiful way she puts things. She is definitely a talented writer! Her writing simply inspires me and I love that!
The faith content was beautiful as was the author’s note. It touched my heart!

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this book! I loved that there was a mystery woven into this story. While it took me a little bit to figure out what was going on in the book, it wasn’t long before I was invested in these characters and their stories. If you love books with a mountain setting in the late 1940s, pen pals, poetic writing, and a mystery/treasure hunt, I think you’ll really enjoy this one!

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.

The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart Book Review


While the century began with such promise, it is 1910 when Mira Dean’s hopes of being a wife and mother are dashed to pieces. Her fiancé dead from tuberculosis, Mira resigns herself to being a spinster schoolteacher–until Gordon Covington shows up.

No longer the boy she knew from school, Gordon is now a preacher who is full of surprises. First, he asks Mira to come to Sourwood in eastern Kentucky to teach at his mission school. Second, he asks her to marry him. Just like that. And all at once the doors that had seemed firmly shut begin to open, just a crack.

With much trepidation, Mira steps out in faith into a life she never imagined, in a place filled with its own special challenges, to serve a people who will end up becoming the family she always dreamed of.

From the pen of bestselling author Ann H. Gabhart comes a heartwarming story of the unexpected blessings that can come when we dare to follow the Lord’s leading.

My Review

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5 stars

This was a sweet, faith-filled story and I enjoyed it! While it was a slower-paced book, I enjoyed it overall!

I enjoyed watching Mira start a brand new life with Gordon in the mountains of eastern Kentucky! It was interesting and enjoyable to watch her get acquainted with the people from the mountains and their ways. I didn’t feel particularly connected to Mira and Gordon but I did like them. Their marriage-of-convenience romance was really sweet! Gordon was especially sweet with his patience and compassion towards Mira.

My favorite character was Ada June. I really loved reading her POV! Her perspective was both interesting and emotional to read. Her story was sad but it was also filled with hope.

I loved that faith is such a big part of this book as well!

Overall, I enjoyed this book! While there were some parts that were slow for me, I enjoyed the story for the most part. If you’re a fan of stories similar to When Calls the Heart, I think you’ll really enjoy this book!

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.

Highcliffe House by Megan Walker Book Review

Synopsis :

Love ignites when two rivals vie to secure a possible fortune at the seaside town of Brighton.

Brighton, England, 1813

When a romantic entanglement leaves her humiliated and reeling, Anna Lane wants nothing more than for her father to whisk her away from the gossip of the ton. Unfortunately, he has obligations elsewhere, leaving her stuck in London.

Graham Everett’s financial security depends on an investment with Mr. Lane, his long-time friend and business partner. He’ll do just about anything to secure it for his family, even if it means fighting spoiled, embittered Anna for her father’s attention.

Luckily, Mr. Lane concocts a plan that will give everyone what they want, with one stipulation: Anna must accompany Graham to Brighton in her father’s stead and make a decision to invest—or not—based on a thorough report.

But it will take more than a day at the beach for these two headstrong hearts to admit that they’ve been wrong about each other. If they are willing to invest a little time working out their differences, they might have a chance at real love.

My Review

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 stars

After reading and loving Lakeshire Park and Miss Newbury’s List by Megan Walker, I was so excited to read her latest release. Highcliffe House did not disappoint! It was so much fun to read and I enjoyed every minute of it!

Anna and Graham were wonderful main characters! Their banter and enemies-to-lovers story was so much fun! It was both fun and sweet to watch them go from despising each other to becoming friends to falling in love.❤️

Anna was a bit like Emma Woodhouse. I didn’t immediately like her but I did find her interesting. As the story progressed and I came to understood her better, I really liked her! I especially liked her desire to be genuine in a society where everyone was taught to be fake.

I really liked Graham’s character pretty much from the start. He was kind of adorable (particularly the fact that he was self-conscious about having to wear spectacles! I was smiling so big when I found that out!) I also really admired him for taking care of his sisters and mother.❤️

Tabs was hilarious and so much fun! I loved having a cute kid in the story, especially since she’s Graham’s little sister. I loved her immediate bond with Anna! They were the quite the pair!

I also loved the family dynamics in this story! I loved seeing how Graham took care of his mother and sisters. It was incredibly sweet and made me love his character even more. I also loved Graham’s friendship with Anna’s father so much! It made me a little emotional after learning about Graham’s hard life.

Content notes: the romance was clean and there was no language. There was one kiss that was a little more detailed or intense than I prefer but it was very brief and didn’t interfere with my enjoyment of the story.

In conclusion, I loved this book! It was lighthearted but also had enough emotional moments to add depth to the story and characters which I loved! It’s the perfect summer regency read since it has a seaside setting. If you’re fan of regency romance with:


-a seaside setting

-family dynamics

-a cute (and hilarious) kid

-witty banter

I think you’ll love this one!

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.

For a Lifetime by Gabrielle Meyer Book Review


Grace and Hope are identical twin sisters born with the ability to time-cross together between 1692 Salem, Massachusetts, and 1912 New York City. As their twenty-fifth birthday approaches, they will have to choose one life to keep and one to leave behind forever–no matter the cost. 

In 1692, they live and work in their father’s tavern, where they must watch helplessly as the witch trials unfold in their village, threatening everyone. With the help of a handsome childhood friend, they search for the truth behind their mother’s mysterious death, risking everything to expose a secret that could save their lives–or be their undoing.

In 1912, Hope dreams of becoming one of the first female pilots in America, and Grace works as an investigative journalist, uncovering corruption and injustice. After their parents’ orphanage is threatened by an adversary, they enter a contest to complete a perilous cross-country flight under the guidance of a daring French aviator.

The sisters have already decided which timeline they will choose, but an unthinkable tragedy complicates the future they planned for themselves. As their birthday looms, how will they determine the lives–and loves–that are best for both of them?

My Review:

I loved the other two books in this series and this one was no different! For a Lifetime was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and it was amazing! This is the third book in the Timeless series.

I absolutely loved getting to know Maggie’s twins! (Maggie is the MC in book 2 in this series, In This Moment). I loved Grace and Hope! They were so wonderfully different from each other in their personalities as well as their goals and dreams. I did relate to Grace the most and I felt like she was a kindred spirit.

I loved the sister-relationship dynamics in this story so, so much!

While this story focuses on the sisters, there was romance as well and it was so beautifully written. I loved Luc and Isaac though Luc was probably my favorite. I won’t say much because I don’t want to spoil it so you’ll have read the book to find out who ends up with who. I was very happy with how everything ended up.🥰

This book was an emotional journey for sure. I didn’t know how it was going to end. There were so many twists and turns which I loved. I really couldn’t put the book down!

This story was emotional and inspiring. I loved the faith content throughout. It brought so much light and hope to this story, especially since this story is set during some really dark times for those who lived in Salem, Massachusetts during the late 1600s. While I found this history disturbing to read about, the faith in God these characters had really brought light to the story.

Content notes: This book is set during dark times for Salem, Massachusetts so there are some disturbing scenes in this book concerning the witch trials. The violence in this book was moderate including deaths and hangings. The romance was clean and there was no language.

In conclusion, I loved this book! I love historical fiction that has faith and a unique plot so I have loved the Timeless series so much. I loved getting glimpses of characters from the previous books in this one! It was so much fun to see them again.❤️

While I would highly recommend reading the first two books in this series before reading this one, this book could definitely be read as a stand-alone.

If you’re looking for an unputdownable historical fiction read that includes time-travel, faith, and sister-relationship dynamics, I think you will really like this book!

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own

The Roads We Follow by Nicole Deese Book Review


A cross-country road trip. A secretive box of journals. An unforgettable summer romance.

As the youngest daughter of a country music legend, Raegan Farrow longs to establish an identity away from the spotlight and publish her small-town romances under a pen name. But after her dream is dashed when she won’t exploit her mother’s fame to further her own career, she hears a rumor from a reliable source regarding a tell-all being written about the Farrow family. Making matters worse, the unknown author has gone to great lengths to remain anonymous until publication.

Raegan chooses to keep the tell-all a secret from her scandal-leery sisters as they embark on a two-week cross-country road trip at their mother’s request and makes it her mission to expose the identity of the author behind the unsanctioned biography. But all is complicated when she discovers their hired bus driver, Micah Davenport, has a hidden agenda of his own–one involving both of their mothers and an old box of journals. As they rely on each other to find the answers they seek, the surprising revelations they unearth will lead them down an unexpected road of love and reconciliation.

My Review:

I’ve loved all of Nicole Deese’s books but The Roads We Follow is now my favorite! This book was amazing! It was deeply emotional, fun, and inspiring all at once. It was my kind of book. It’s definitely going to be one of my favorite books of the year!❤️

First of all, I absolutely loved the main characters in this story from the start!

I really liked Raegan from the beginning. I loved her kind and compassionate character as well as her desire to help those around her, especially her family. I also found her really relatable! She’s the kind of main character I’d love to be friends with!

And I loved Micah’s character so, so much! He was so kind, patient, and steady. He was just an all-around good guy. I loved that he wasn’t perfect but he was striving to be the best man he could be. He’s honestly one of the best male main characters I’ve read in a while. I loved his desire to see and hear people. It was really interesting reading about a therapist!

The romance was one of the sweetest I have read in a long time! I absolutely loved the deep conversations Raegan and Micah had throughout this book and watching their friendship grow into more. They were perfect for each other. I also loved their banter. I laughed several times throughout this book.❤️

I loved that this book is primarily set in the south! It was really fun to read about a country music star. I also loved all the summer road trip vibes!

One of my favorite things in this book was the family dynamics between Raegan and her sisters and mom. This book truly centers around family and friendship which I always enjoy!

The faith in this book was definitely the highlight of this book for me. It was woven in so beautifully and was such an integral part of the story. It was beautiful and inspiring!

In conclusion, I absolutely loved this book! It was so beautiful! Nicole Deese is such a talented writer who writes stories with heart in them. If you’re looking for a book that’ll make you laugh and cry that centers around family and faith, this one was incredible and so worth the read.❤️

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.

The Girl From the Hidden Forest by Hannah Linder Book Review


The nightmares may free her … but destroy the man she loves.

Enjoy another Gothic Style Regency from Hannah Linder.

Eliza Ellis has stayed hidden in Balfour Forest for as long as she can remember. Perhaps her only friends are the trees, or her little dog, or her story-telling father called Captain. But at least she is safe from the cruel world outside, a world Captain has warned her against and protected her from.

That is, until a handsome stranger named Felton Northwood invades her quiet forest and steals her away. Why does he tell such lies? Why does he insist that her name is Miss Eliza Gillingham, daughter of a viscount, who disappeared fourteen years ago after the murder of her own mother? A murder Eliza is said to have witnessed.

When Felton returns Eliza to Monbury Manor and reunites her with a man who is told to be her father, all she remembers are the strange nightmares that have plagued her since childhood. Why have they suddenly grown worse? Are the answers hidden inside her own mind?

As danger mounts and lethal attempts are made on her life, Eliza and Felton must work together to uncover the identity of a killer who has stayed silent for fourteen years. When she finally uncovers the horrendous memories trapped in her mind, will divulging the truth cost her the man she loves–and both of their lives?

My Review

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 stars

Hannah Linder has quickly become a favorite author of mine. The Girl from the Hidden Forest was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and it did not disappoint!

This book was very gripping! I had no idea how it was going to end. I seriously did not see the plot twist coming. I love when a book can surprise me like that!

Eliza and Felton were both compelling, interesting main characters. The romance between them was so well-written!

As I have said before, I really love Hannah’s lyrical writing style. There were several lines that were like poetry. I love that!

Just like all of her books, this one was atmospheric and even a bit moody, similar to a Brontë book. It made the book really hard to put down!

I really enjoyed the faith content woven in as well.

This book does have some violence (the villain was terrible!!) but thankfully those scenes are pretty brief and only semi-descriptive.

In conclusion, this was a really good regency mystery! It was gripping, unpredictable, and romantic. If you’re a fan of the Brontë sister’s books, I think you’ll love The Girl from the Hidden Forest!

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.

The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple by Joanna Davidson Politano Book Review


Peter Driscoll, an underground investigator to the wealthy, has never met anyone like Lily Temple. The beautiful silent-film actress spins fairy tales and plays frivolous roles in front of the cine-camera, but beneath the costumes and stage makeup is a woman with a quick wit–and a murky past. 

Peter has been tasked with locating the legendary Briarwood Teardrop, an exquisite sapphire, which Lily wears beneath her gown. In order to stay close to her and hopefully unravel the mystery of her story–and the sapphire–Peter employs Lily’s help on a case, which leads to a useful partnership. But as they are investigating together, Peter is also investigating Lily. The closer he gets to the truth, the more danger they face. And the closer he gets to Lily, the clearer it is that he needs her even more than she needs him.

Award-winning author Joanna Davidson Politano whisks you away to Edwardian England in 1903 for a whimsical and layered tale that treads the crooked line between real and make-believe.

My Review

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 stars

I had a feeling I was going to love this book and I am so happy to say that was the case! I’m not surprised because Joanna Davidson Politano is one of my absolute favorite authors and I always love her books. This one was no exception. It was beautifully whimsical and original, filled with themes of restoration and hope. I was swept away to 1903 England to a world of fairytales, secrets, and romance by Joanna’s poetic writing. I loved every minute reading it!

I absolutely loved how Lily’s story slowly unfolds. At first her story is a complete mystery that is only hinted at, but chapter by chapter, it’s slowly revealed in all its complexity. And so is her character. At first, Lily is as elusive to you as the reader as she is to investigator Peter Driscoll. She is full of secrets and mystery but as the story progresses, she reveals her story a little at the time. The way the story is told made the book that much more suspenseful and compelling. I loved that Lily’s POV is written in first person! It made me feel really connected to her character.

Peter Driscoll was such a lovable hero with his steadiness, integrity, and intelligence. I loved his desire to help restore broken stories and bring truth to light. He’s the calm-to-the-storm kind of hero and I truly love those type of heroes! He was the perfect match for Lily!

The romance was beautiful! It made me feel the way the romance in a good classic movie does and I loved it. I loved their banter, their adventures, their friendship-to-more. They were such a fun couple to read about!

This book had the kind of dreamy setting that made me want to spend a day in a beautiful garden or cozy cottage with a cup of tea. It was wonderful!
It was also so neat to learn a little about silent films, something I’ve never read about.

The highlight of this novel for me was without a doubt the faith content. It was woven into this story so beautifully! The message touched my soul. It left me feeling so hopeful and inspired as I was reminded of a beautiful truth. For me, that is the best feeling I can have after finishing a book.

In conclusion, I absolutely loved this book! It did more than entertain me— it made me think about why I love stories so much and left me inspired.
If you love books that include elements of fairytales, faith, and secret identities, I think you’ll love this book!

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.

If the Boot Fits by Karen Witemeyer Book Review


One fateful night will change their destinies forever. . . .

Convinced that his stepmother and half brothers have been wrongfully evicted by cattle king Eli Dearing, Asher Ellis uses the cover of an extravagant ball to break into the Three Cedars’ ranch house to search for proof. On the verge of discovery, he flees, but a boy’s cry compels him to make a daring rescue.

Spunky and independent Samantha Dearing balks when she learns the ball her father is hosting is nothing more than a matrimonial ambush. Taking a break from unwanted suitors, Samantha spots a thief fleeing her home. When the stranger ends up saving her brother’s life, she hides the only clue to his identity left behind–his boot–and resolves to find him herself.

When Samantha encounters the older brother of a student she tutors, all thoughts of the bootless mystery man vanish. Asher values family above wealth, a rare trait that opens her heart. Afraid she will discover his past misconduct, Asher tries to keep his distance, but when a series of suspicious accidents befall her, he vows to protect her, even though saving her life could mean losing her love.

My Review

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5 stars

I can always count on Karen Witemeyer when I’m looking for a good book that’ll have adventure, faith, and romance. This one was no different and I really enjoyed it! This is the second book in the Texas Ever After series but it can definitely be read as a stand-alone.

In this Cinderella retelling set in Texas during the late 1800s, the hero is the one losing his shoe (or his boot in this case) rather than the heroine which instantly made this a fun read. Cinderella retellings aren’t typically my favorite but when you throw in a spunky heroine, a heroic cowboy, and a Texas prairie setting, I really enjoyed it!

I really enjoyed the family dynamics in this one, both with Samantha and her father and brother as well as Asher and his little brothers and stepmother (don’t worry, the stepmother is wonderful in this one!)

The romance was both fun and sweet! It did feel little bit like insta-love but since this is a Cinderella retelling, I think that’s fitting.

I loved that we jumped right into the action as that allowed me to be hooked from the first chapter. There’s action throughout the book which kept me invested.

As usual with Karen Witemeyer’s books, I also loved the faith content throughout. It adds so much to the story!

As for content, this book is clean. However, I would probably recommend it to older teens and up since there’s brief mentions of affairs and infidelity. These mentions aren’t descriptive but I would still recommend to ages 17+.

In conclusion, If the Boot Fits was a fun and sweet romance! If you love Westerns, romance, and fairytales, I think you’ll really enjoy this one!

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.

The Irish Matchmaker by Jennifer Deibel Book Review


As daughter of a well-known matchmaker, Catríona Daly is no stranger to the business of love–and sees it as her ticket away from the sleepy village that only comes alive during the annual matchmaking festival. Enter Lord Osborne’s son, Andrew, who has returned to the festival after being disappointed by a rival matchmaker’s failed setup. Catríona seizes the opportunity to make a better match for the handsome man–and for herself!

Cattle farmer Donal Bunratty is in desperate need of a wife after loss left him to handle the farm and raise his daughter on his own. Shy and lacking the finer social graces, he agrees to attend the matchmaking festival to appease his daughter. But when he arrives, it’s not any of the other merrymakers that catch his eye but rather his matchmaker–who clearly has eyes for someone else.

Catríona will have to put all her expertise to work to make a match that could change her life forever. Will her plan succeed? Or will love have its own way?

My Review

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5 stars

I’ve read Jennifer Deibel’s last three novels and enjoyed them all but I think The Irish Matchmaker might just be my favorite so far! I loved the Irish setting, the characters, and the fun matchmaker plot. Oh, and the cover is gorgeous!

I really liked both Catríona and Donal! Their romance was so sweet and fun.
Donal was such a good father to Sara. I loved watching as Catríona warmed up to them both. I loved Catríona’s warm, friendly personality— a perfect match to Donal’s steady, quiet one.

I loved the country, Irish setting of this book as well as learning about traditions in Ireland!😍

I also really loved the faith content woven into this story!
The matchmaker plot was really fun as well!

In conclusion, this was such a sweet story and perfect to read in an evening! If you enjoy books that include:
• a widower and his young daughter
• he falls first
• matchmaker plot
• set in Ireland during the early 1900s
• Irish traditions/history
• quick historical fiction books under 400 pages
I think you’ll really enjoy this one!☺️

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.