For a Lifetime by Gabrielle Meyer Book Review


Grace and Hope are identical twin sisters born with the ability to time-cross together between 1692 Salem, Massachusetts, and 1912 New York City. As their twenty-fifth birthday approaches, they will have to choose one life to keep and one to leave behind forever–no matter the cost. 

In 1692, they live and work in their father’s tavern, where they must watch helplessly as the witch trials unfold in their village, threatening everyone. With the help of a handsome childhood friend, they search for the truth behind their mother’s mysterious death, risking everything to expose a secret that could save their lives–or be their undoing.

In 1912, Hope dreams of becoming one of the first female pilots in America, and Grace works as an investigative journalist, uncovering corruption and injustice. After their parents’ orphanage is threatened by an adversary, they enter a contest to complete a perilous cross-country flight under the guidance of a daring French aviator.

The sisters have already decided which timeline they will choose, but an unthinkable tragedy complicates the future they planned for themselves. As their birthday looms, how will they determine the lives–and loves–that are best for both of them?

My Review:

I loved the other two books in this series and this one was no different! For a Lifetime was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and it was amazing! This is the third book in the Timeless series.

I absolutely loved getting to know Maggie’s twins! (Maggie is the MC in book 2 in this series, In This Moment). I loved Grace and Hope! They were so wonderfully different from each other in their personalities as well as their goals and dreams. I did relate to Grace the most and I felt like she was a kindred spirit.

I loved the sister-relationship dynamics in this story so, so much!

While this story focuses on the sisters, there was romance as well and it was so beautifully written. I loved Luc and Isaac though Luc was probably my favorite. I won’t say much because I don’t want to spoil it so you’ll have read the book to find out who ends up with who. I was very happy with how everything ended up.🥰

This book was an emotional journey for sure. I didn’t know how it was going to end. There were so many twists and turns which I loved. I really couldn’t put the book down!

This story was emotional and inspiring. I loved the faith content throughout. It brought so much light and hope to this story, especially since this story is set during some really dark times for those who lived in Salem, Massachusetts during the late 1600s. While I found this history disturbing to read about, the faith in God these characters had really brought light to the story.

Content notes: This book is set during dark times for Salem, Massachusetts so there are some disturbing scenes in this book concerning the witch trials. The violence in this book was moderate including deaths and hangings. The romance was clean and there was no language.

In conclusion, I loved this book! I love historical fiction that has faith and a unique plot so I have loved the Timeless series so much. I loved getting glimpses of characters from the previous books in this one! It was so much fun to see them again.❤️

While I would highly recommend reading the first two books in this series before reading this one, this book could definitely be read as a stand-alone.

If you’re looking for an unputdownable historical fiction read that includes time-travel, faith, and sister-relationship dynamics, I think you will really like this book!

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own

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