The Roads We Follow by Nicole Deese Book Review


A cross-country road trip. A secretive box of journals. An unforgettable summer romance.

As the youngest daughter of a country music legend, Raegan Farrow longs to establish an identity away from the spotlight and publish her small-town romances under a pen name. But after her dream is dashed when she won’t exploit her mother’s fame to further her own career, she hears a rumor from a reliable source regarding a tell-all being written about the Farrow family. Making matters worse, the unknown author has gone to great lengths to remain anonymous until publication.

Raegan chooses to keep the tell-all a secret from her scandal-leery sisters as they embark on a two-week cross-country road trip at their mother’s request and makes it her mission to expose the identity of the author behind the unsanctioned biography. But all is complicated when she discovers their hired bus driver, Micah Davenport, has a hidden agenda of his own–one involving both of their mothers and an old box of journals. As they rely on each other to find the answers they seek, the surprising revelations they unearth will lead them down an unexpected road of love and reconciliation.

My Review:

I’ve loved all of Nicole Deese’s books but The Roads We Follow is now my favorite! This book was amazing! It was deeply emotional, fun, and inspiring all at once. It was my kind of book. It’s definitely going to be one of my favorite books of the year!❤️

First of all, I absolutely loved the main characters in this story from the start!

I really liked Raegan from the beginning. I loved her kind and compassionate character as well as her desire to help those around her, especially her family. I also found her really relatable! She’s the kind of main character I’d love to be friends with!

And I loved Micah’s character so, so much! He was so kind, patient, and steady. He was just an all-around good guy. I loved that he wasn’t perfect but he was striving to be the best man he could be. He’s honestly one of the best male main characters I’ve read in a while. I loved his desire to see and hear people. It was really interesting reading about a therapist!

The romance was one of the sweetest I have read in a long time! I absolutely loved the deep conversations Raegan and Micah had throughout this book and watching their friendship grow into more. They were perfect for each other. I also loved their banter. I laughed several times throughout this book.❤️

I loved that this book is primarily set in the south! It was really fun to read about a country music star. I also loved all the summer road trip vibes!

One of my favorite things in this book was the family dynamics between Raegan and her sisters and mom. This book truly centers around family and friendship which I always enjoy!

The faith in this book was definitely the highlight of this book for me. It was woven in so beautifully and was such an integral part of the story. It was beautiful and inspiring!

In conclusion, I absolutely loved this book! It was so beautiful! Nicole Deese is such a talented writer who writes stories with heart in them. If you’re looking for a book that’ll make you laugh and cry that centers around family and faith, this one was incredible and so worth the read.❤️

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.

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