If the Boot Fits by Karen Witemeyer Book Review


One fateful night will change their destinies forever. . . .

Convinced that his stepmother and half brothers have been wrongfully evicted by cattle king Eli Dearing, Asher Ellis uses the cover of an extravagant ball to break into the Three Cedars’ ranch house to search for proof. On the verge of discovery, he flees, but a boy’s cry compels him to make a daring rescue.

Spunky and independent Samantha Dearing balks when she learns the ball her father is hosting is nothing more than a matrimonial ambush. Taking a break from unwanted suitors, Samantha spots a thief fleeing her home. When the stranger ends up saving her brother’s life, she hides the only clue to his identity left behind–his boot–and resolves to find him herself.

When Samantha encounters the older brother of a student she tutors, all thoughts of the bootless mystery man vanish. Asher values family above wealth, a rare trait that opens her heart. Afraid she will discover his past misconduct, Asher tries to keep his distance, but when a series of suspicious accidents befall her, he vows to protect her, even though saving her life could mean losing her love.

My Review

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5 stars

I can always count on Karen Witemeyer when I’m looking for a good book that’ll have adventure, faith, and romance. This one was no different and I really enjoyed it! This is the second book in the Texas Ever After series but it can definitely be read as a stand-alone.

In this Cinderella retelling set in Texas during the late 1800s, the hero is the one losing his shoe (or his boot in this case) rather than the heroine which instantly made this a fun read. Cinderella retellings aren’t typically my favorite but when you throw in a spunky heroine, a heroic cowboy, and a Texas prairie setting, I really enjoyed it!

I really enjoyed the family dynamics in this one, both with Samantha and her father and brother as well as Asher and his little brothers and stepmother (don’t worry, the stepmother is wonderful in this one!)

The romance was both fun and sweet! It did feel little bit like insta-love but since this is a Cinderella retelling, I think that’s fitting.

I loved that we jumped right into the action as that allowed me to be hooked from the first chapter. There’s action throughout the book which kept me invested.

As usual with Karen Witemeyer’s books, I also loved the faith content throughout. It adds so much to the story!

As for content, this book is clean. However, I would probably recommend it to older teens and up since there’s brief mentions of affairs and infidelity. These mentions aren’t descriptive but I would still recommend to ages 17+.

In conclusion, If the Boot Fits was a fun and sweet romance! If you love Westerns, romance, and fairytales, I think you’ll really enjoy this one!

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.

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